When can I play my instument in band after a tooth extraction?

Answer #1

I’m in marching band, and this saturday we have a competition, but I’m having a tooth pulled tomorrow. Is it possible that I might still be able to play my horn for saturday?

Answer #2

Yep, I dont see why not. I believe they give you ibuprophin or something for the pain so you should be all set.

Answer #3

Yes, you should be fine to play as long as there is no complications. The Dentist will probably gibe you something for the pain. Though, if you do find it too painful on Saturday you shouldn’t push it, its not worth causing yourself horrible pain over.

Answer #4

Tooth extractions aren’t all that painful….you should be fine once the freezing has worn off.

Answer #5

If you play a brass instrument it might be hard because your lips need to get used to vibrating on your mouth piece over your braces. its going to be different back pressure wise your going to have to use yor stomach a lot more and really blow some air to get your lips moving. I suggest grabbing some wax to put over your braces so you dont hurt you lips too much but good luck getting your horn to play by saturday.

Answer #6

Where in her questions does it say she’s getting braces?

Answer #7

I’m not getting braces, I’m getting a tooth extraction…but thanks for the advice.

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