How do you pick a religion if you believe some things in different religions?

Answer #1

Who ever said you need to pick one? i figure as long as i live a good life then i have nothing to worry about, i just follow the morals my parents taught me and the morals i pick up on the way.

Answer #2

Go neutral.

Answer #3

You don’t have to have a Religion. Many people don’t.

I just say I am atheist, as I don’t believe in any Gods or higher power. I respect all religions, and think that books like the Bible are just “rule books” for people to go by in their life. Like you shouldn’t do things like kill, harm others, etc…

Answer #4

Unitarian Universalism is a caring, open-minded religion that encourages seekers to follow their own spiritual paths. Our faith draws on many religious sources, welcoming people with different beliefs. We are united by shared values, not by creed or dogma.

Answer #5

One of the major thing I like about the religion I follow is that I can be eclectic, so I can follow many religions and different Gods/Goddesses with no fears of insulting anyone. I can simply follow my heart I would suggest that you either just do your own things and follow/believe what works best for you, or take the time to learn about and go to church/Celebrations of each of the different religions till you find the one that fills your heart with joy and sings to you.

Answer #6

Comparing comes often. Like what I am doing now, I am in the stage of comparing alot of things among these religions. I was living among Hindu people, and yes I have seen alot of different things among some similarities. The point is every religion is teaching their followers to believe i God, and in order to show our thankful and belief, we go to pray, in church, mosque, temples. It is the sentence saying that: other than being “a certain religion” people go to hell is the part that I can not take so far. Seeking for answer is what I am going to do, though it takes forever. :-)

Answer #7

I have gone to a few Rituals done at the Unitarian church in the city I use to live in. Wonderful people. (I actually led my first public Ritual at a Unitarian Church).

Answer #8

+*Forget religion. Seek Truth. Pray, practice, and study. Truth ultimately is not a matter of opinion or personal preference. If we believe with all our abilities that the earrth is flat we will still be able to go around it. Seek Truth, and when you find it give yourself totally to learning and living it. God bless!

Answer #9

JESUS made it clear that some forms of worship are not acceptable to God. He spoke of “false prophets,” comparing them to a tree that produces worthless fruit and “gets cut down and thrown into the fire.” He also said: “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens.”—Matthew 7:15-22.

Jesus, in fact, said regarding some who would claim to follow him: “I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:23) Further, when speaking to the religious leaders of his day, Jesus applied to them God’s words to apostate Israel: “It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach as doctrines commands of men.”—Mark 7:6, 7.

The response to the truth proclaimed by Christ’s first-century disciples was similar. While miracles helped to demonstrate that God was supporting the disciples, the truth was still not plain to most. (Acts 8:1-8; 9:32-41) Jesus commissioned his followers to “make disciples of people” by teaching them. As a result of listening and learning Scriptural truths, sincere seekers of truth became believers.—Matthew 28:19; Acts 5:42; 17:2-4, 32-34.

It is the same today. The “good news of the kingdom” is being “preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations.” (Matthew 24:14) This is not necessarily being done “with striking observableness”—in so obvious a way that every individual on earth will recognize it as a message from God. Yet, God’s truth is recognizable and strikes a responsive chord in honesthearted individuals who want to worship God in the way approved by him.—John 10:4, 27.

Answer #10

I think you should do what you think is right, that doesn’t always mean you have to belong to a certain religion

Answer #11

Don’t pick a religion….pick Jesus Christ!!! He is not a religion but wants to have a real relationship with you. Someone to tell your worries/troubles too, someone who loves you, and someone who will forgive you. A “Relationship” with Jesus is way better than any ‘religion’ you may stumble upon.

Answer #12

You don’t have to pick a certain religion :) I know many people who believe in God but do not follow a designated religion :) I reckon that if I wasn’t Pagan then I wouldn’t have a religon because my beliefs are so mixed that no other religion would work with them :P

Just see if you become drawn to a certain religion and if not, live treuly to your beliefs :)

Answer #13

Don’t pick by doctrine. Find a religious community in which you feel uplifted, connected with the people there, closer to G!d, and more fully yourself. That’s the place.

Answer #14

If you pick a religion based on what you want or even believe as “right and wrong” then you are placing yourself as G-d rather then an actual deity. Sometimes I don’t even agree with G-d but I know I cant always understand.

Answer #15

oh mistykh i will agree with u. religion is evil. Jesus is the answer and building a real relationship with him… Not just a fake one. Christians can go to church and live rite but still not know Jesus and him not know u.

Answer #16

How is compassion evil? How is loving your neighbor evil? How is Honoring ones mother and father evil? How is forgiveness evil? How is happiness evil?

Answer #17

It may all depend whose will you’re trying to do: yours or God’s?(“for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find HIM”-Acts 17:27)

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