how come my phone will randomly shut off and then reset?

it’s the env touch and i’ve only had it a few months

Answer #1

omg i hate that enV touch. i have it, it does it to me all the time. i hate this phone ;) normally my phone either shuts off, resets, or freezes. i hate it but i have to have it for another yr and a half. there has to be some defect in the phone :(

Answer #2

My phone company says it does that because the phone has been on without being shut off for to long, try shuttin ur phone off and take the battery out, do that once a day for like 5 minutes and everything shud b fine

Answer #3

its possibily broken so i suggest you go to your local phone company and see whats wrong with your cell-phone.

Answer #4

I used to have the LG cookie and it did exactly the same thing. I figured out that by turning it off and on once a day worked. But if you have insurance then you might be able to get it replaced, or work out something with your phone company to get you a different phone all together

Answer #5

if it’s the phone mentioned you need to upgrade your software at a Verizon store!!!!! probably from 03 to 04 version

Its in Menu -> Settings -> Phone Info -> SW/HW Version (That is if it stays on long enough for you to get there, you have to be quick). to check your version probably ends in 03 Good luck

Answer #6
  • oh and it was a bug in the software and most models of it had the problem :/
Answer #7

Thx my phone company didn’t tell me they cud replace my phone and I have insurance I will check into that

Answer #8

Depending on the terms of your insurance it will cover any damages to the phone. So if it comes broken then they should replace it. Check with your provider, I could be mistaken :/ good luck :)

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