Phobias, will and do they always really stay with you?

Well, this is a random question but have you ever like you know been afraid of something then got over it…Well this is where it willl probably get confusing, but do you EVR REALLY REALLLY get over it…or does it always stick with you even if you dont know it ?

Answer #1

It is possible to get completely over it - it’s up to you…Take care !!

Answer #2

yes you can give rid of your phobias they still do stay with you even though you have face them but once you faced them again and again you then control that fear because then you know nothing has actually happend when you have faced them believe me I know.

Answer #3

I had a couple of minor phobias that I got rid of over time. However, I have a major phobia (of needles) that I simply cannot shake. I’m sure there is a way but it will take probably more time and money than I can afford.

Answer #4

Well in a way you can get over it… people who are afraid of heights can get over it and fly without freaking out… however, if you’re asking if they still have the fear that people without the phobia dont experience, then yes… they will probably always have a heightened sense of awareness and they always may experience a slight anxiety… however as long as the fear isnt debilitating, or stopping them from doing something, then…

Answer #5

I have had a phobia of large crowds ever since I was like 2 years old, I can remember very vividly not being able to find my mother in this large crowd of adults. so, I more or less avoided anywhere where a large crowd would be gathered. over the years I have had to overcome this phobia, and I have more or less succeeded, but I always feel a little bit of anxiety in the back of my mind. so I guess the answer in my case would be YES- phobias can be overcome, but a little bit of anxiety will remain.

Answer #6

some phobias are so large and ingrained that it does take years and outside help to face your fears. to just go into the deep end of a pool when you have a fear of water is not helpful. I have a horrible fear of small places where I am unable to stand. my phobia is to the point that just the thought of being in a tunnel makes me uneasy. I just avoid tunnels and hope that I am never kidnapped and buried alive in a coffin. lol

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