Personal responsibility vs. personal freedom

A minute ago, I read a comment about personal responsibility and personal freedom…That freedom comes with responsibilities…I agree with that…So what do you think…

Are we losing our personal freedoms because we are an irresponsible bunch…or are we irresponsible because we have a big bro making our decisions, instead of being free to make our own?

Answer #1

Remember George Orwell and his book 1984? He was off by one year! It is the personal computer which allows todays surveillance techniques. Apple introduced Lisa in 1983.

Answer #2

We are losing our personal freedoms because we are trading them for a temporary feeling of security.

Answer #3

We are allowing Government to be increasingly intrusive in our lives - think back probably just 25 years ago - what if they suggested ‘a camera on every street corner’, we would have instantly yelled “Big Brother” ! - but now, look how accepting we are when they wrap it around ‘it will keep our children safe…oh, ok, no problem.

Answer #4

“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security, will deserve neither and lose both” This a quote from Benjamin Franklin and is my favorite quote. It applied then and applied now. Everyone says will we can give away some freedoms if it protects us a little, but then where does it end if ever? The security is temporary and the people who want to hurt us will find a way arond it at which point we will just lose more freedoms. This may sound cruel, but in term of the long run I would rather have another 9/11 then give up freedoms.

Answer #5

I agree with you guys. If we aren’t going to be responsible for our actions, you can bet someone is standing in the shadows waiting to “take care of us.”

Answer #6

I agree with bimjob. And also because we are not willing to take responsibility for our choices that affect others; so laws are passed to limit our choices.

Answer #7

Answer this question… HUMAN vs DOG…Government says “kill them”…they drop bombs on nations get all kind of stars, awards, banquets…etc… Betty White says Humane Society on a ad “they drop Mic Vic from the NFL into a cell” for putting a hurt mut out of its misery.

Are we losing our personal freedoms because we are an irresponsible bunch…or are we irresponsible because we have a big bro making our decisions, instead of being free to make our own?

Chill…”BIG BRO” is going to tell you what the bird is and when you can eat him or honor him (chicken vs eagle) o.k.

Answer #8

course…I think back on those poor souls in New Orleans, standing on their roofs WAITING for the government to save them…all the time knowing in MY heart, that if I’d been there, myself…there’d be no way in hell I’d count on the government to save my butt.

Vic put the dog in misery first…Dog fighting is not only ILLEGAL, it’s frigging cruel and inhumane…He didn’t get dropped because he got caught “putting a dog out of it’s misery”…


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