Why do people think violence will solve everything?

Answer #1

I believe it’s because human beings naturally like to feel as though they’re in control. If they can over power someone by violence, then they feel in control. They control what happens, and therefor they believe that everything will work out for them. Then again, that’s just my opinion. I’m sad to say there’s no correct answer to this. We can only gove you opinions.

Answer #2

*give, sorry!

Answer #3

totally understand.

Answer #4

Good ^_^ haha

Answer #5

They do? ALL of them? :)

If you’re talking about war…that goes back to the cave men days, and has been that way since. If you’re talking on an individual basis, then it’s not a true statement. The majority of human beings don’t settle things with violence.

Answer #6

I think some forms of violence are just emotional responses because sometimes people don’t think enough before reacting.

Answer #7

Thats extremely true.

Answer #8

when people can no longer have intelligent debate they go to war. when someone can no longer communicate, they start swinging.

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