Why do people send FunMail to other people just because they're pretty or cute?

Answer #1

Depends. Could be that the person is just giving you a genuine compliment. OR, they could be hitting on you to try to date you and/or to get in your pants.

Answer #2

Also, some people don’t just send FunMail for that reason. People have all sorts of reasons for sending FunMail to others… I also think “those people” shouldn’t be so judgmental though. Personality should count more than looks. I should know…

Answer #3

Virtual pants you mean ;)

Answer #4

I don’t. Why did someone send you a funmail saying you were cute?

Answer #5

‘Cause that’s probably the only thing they can notice. They can’t tell if they are nice or smart, but they can see how they look. I would funmail you ‘cause you are cute, and feel nothing bad about it (sept that Funadvice wouldn’t lemme XD lol)

Answer #6

sorry i wont play any odd comments anymore , happy ?

Answer #7


Answer #8

Too many people

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