What is people's likes/dislikes about working at Subway?

Answer #1

Plus- Good experience, less oil/fat so less pimples and oily hair (which you’d get at McDonalds etc), meet other people (employees) probably around your age. Good experience working with the public/ serving people.

Minus- Fast, hard work all day on your feet, minimum wage.

Answer #2

my friend hates it cause she always gets the joke “you work at subway? cause you just gave me a footlong”

Answer #3

Well, my boyfriend works at Subway and he doesn’t usually tell a whole bunch. Here’s what I’ve heard and seen so far: • can be hard to learn how to make the sandwiches • get breaks and free sandwiches • sometimes fast-paced, sometimes slow • come home stinkin’ so you’ll probably have to take a shower immediately • not gonna lie, you get teased about it a bit… • they seem to change peoples’ schedules around alot but that could be just for his store • possibility of meeting new and cool people Etc. I know there’s things I’m forgetting but that’s the gist of it :)

Answer #4

lmao i used to work at subway lol. ok pros was free food, like you get a meal when you work, so i got to eat healthy and all. got to work with friends. my boss was good, he gave us alot of responsibility so we took care of alot of the problems we had at the store. (like if there was something wrong with a customer we could take care of it, we didn’t have to call him or my manager for much at all). um, it was a laid back feel to it but it was really clean. my manager was OCD with cleaning (so was i) we had like the cleanest subway around in the area. oh another thing was we were trusted and not treated like sh*t. ok cons was dealing with idiots, people in general. learning the subs fast, more than you think. becoming fast at making good subs. knowing the right amount of things to put on, learning tendencies of customers, people arguing about prices, trying to listen to everything the customer says, cleaning all the time, not getting an actual break, pay wasn’t the best, the smell, learning how to bake, there is alot, but it isn’t that bad of a job if you have good management and ownership.

Answer #5

The smell of the bread rolls, salads and “meats” would turn me off working at subway. Also, the pay would be crap.

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