Why do people laugh at others who have a different style to theirs or don't have the "latest fashions"?

Answer #1

becaus it is considered the norm to.hqve what everyone else. anything other would be peculiar. it is rather ridiculous i love uniqueness and i have been made fun of throughout my elementary and highschool for dressing differwntly.

Answer #2

*have people care too much qbout fitting in qnd what the media says they must hve to look good, they must have.

Answer #3

People tend to laugh and make jokes out of things they dont understand. Kids tha dress differently and have their own style are in fact different and unique and easy targets for people looking for someone to pick on. Also alot of the time people who pick on others do so to try and look cool and superior in front of their friends and show that they are better than others. Its a sad attempt at self esteem and it doesnt even work in the end.

Answer #4

because they are jealous that you have ur own style and they just follow the crowd

Answer #5

Well if you really think about it, maybe you”re wearing the latest fashion and they’re not. Who cares what other people think. Actually I know we all care what people think, but we shouldn”t. We”re each our own person with our own likes And dislike, tell the people who have a problem to deal with it.

Answer #6

Who cares what others think.Fu Ck em . Do you and only you.

Answer #7

because they are so closed minded they don’t understand why anyone would find something “cool” but ive never cared about that, they can suck my ba-lls before i start caring XD

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