Why do people do the 'Awkward Moment' status things?

Answer #1

What do you mean by that?

Answer #2

I find them funny! I have written a few. :D here is one, enjoy!!!

“ The awkward moment when you are in class and you have to fart and you hoped it was gonna be silent but is not and everybody hears it but they want to be nice to you so they don’t say anything and you reposition yourself and try to recreate the noise with like your shoes but it doesn’t work and you feel really awkward”

Answer #3

. Because some of them show a degree of astute perception, and some of them are just hilarious. .

Answer #5

That one was pretty funny! But most of the ones I’ve seen are just plain dumb. Like one of my friends said, “That awkward moment when your plate is hotter than your food.’ How is that awkward?!

Answer #6

LOL…It has happened to me countless times,but it didn’t happen exactly.I accidently make a noise with the chair or the shoe,I think that others will think it’s a fart so I try to make the same noise again with more attempt of attention,so the others would know it wasn’t a fart…It’s still an awkward moment,though.

Answer #7

haha that is funny…

Answer #9

Next time it happens just turn round suddenly and say “EEwww ! you sweaty arsed bastard” to the person immediately behind you.

Answer #10

Yes. Sometimes if in a family gathering the poor dog gets blamed. lol!.

Answer #11

My last dog used to turn round and glare at ME when HE farted. Very perceptive dogs, - they learn quickly.

Answer #12

I found this and had to post it here. :D

Answer #13

Because the people who put the “Akward Moment” they think it’s akward or weird for them

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