What do you think of people that are addicted to smoking?

Just curious.

Answer #1

tbh i think its a waste but it isnt there fault they are addicted cos once you start you cant stop amd its hard for them but i think thye have made a mistake…..

Answer #2

Personally I don’t care for the stuff, but honestly I can’t judge someone who smokes. It is a habit and an addiction just like alcoholism. More often than not, when you talk to someone who smokes they will tell you the choice to start smoking in the first place was stupid. It’s just something they can’t help them self with, unless they really want to, then and only then can we help them

Answer #3

I dont have too much of an opinion on the subject as long as the people in question are of age to be purchasing the ciggs. Its their body and their choice to ruin it. I was a smoker for over 7 years and i quit when i had children. Unlike Stefie however, the sole blame on a person being addicted to them falls on the person. It is completely their fault they are addicted since they chose to start smoking on their own free will.

Answer #4

I dont care, as long as they dont smoke around me.

Answer #5

I don’t have a problem with it, but it annoys me a little when they light up in the car next to me or around somebody’s kids. I think if you smoke, take it outside. I also get very frustrated when I see 13 year olds smoking thinking they are sooo cool.

Answer #6

I think people make their own choices in life. We all know smoking is bad for you, but if a person wants to smoke it is their business. I’m not going to hound them to stop smoking, because when I eat a chocolate, I don’t want anyone to hound me about it. :-)

Answer #7

i smoked for 20 years and gave up in 2009 and ppl that smoke dont bother me, but i find that being round people that do smoke makes me just need to have my clothes washed straight away, well as soon as i get in.

Answer #8

i agree..

Answer #9

I’ll be completely honest, I’d like to be more neutral about it but if I find out someone is a regular smoker they’re kind of gross to me from that point on. Smoking just has so many terrible, terrible side affects and it makes them and everything around them smell bad. The fact that they don’t care about their bodies enough to put it through all the trauma smoking causes is pretty off-putting. And the whole second-hand smoke thing, which means anyone who smokes in public is totally okay with the idea they might be damaging the lungs of people around them just to sate their own bad addiction. Of course if they are trying to quit is one thing, but if they’ve just accepted they’re addicted to it it’s just not right. But that’s just my opinion :)

Answer #10

I feel sorry for them. Some smack addicts who were also ex-smokers said giving up cigarettes was harder than smack.

Answer #11

WELL i dont like the fact that they smoke cause when u smoke it makes your lungs start to not work but i dont care what they do but its better not to smoke

Answer #12

Well i smoke and have nor had any problem with people who smoke. I dont mind it around me but i do have to say i dont like the smell. Even when i smoke i try to catch the breeze so not to smell of it. I hate it so can only imagine how others feel. But i think it unfair to judge smokers really. What everybody does is their own choice..be it to drink, waer makeup, narcotics etc. You may not like the habit but its unfair to judge someone who does i feel. Everybody free to make their choices,ya know the harms so no one to blame on future impacts but you.

Answer #13

i think its their choice but they need to do it at home

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