How to pass a urine test?

how do I pass a urine test for marijuana?

Answer #1

Here’s a great idea, don’t take drugs! I work in a laboratory and have to deal with these people who try everything under the sun trying to cheat on the urine test. I’m here to tell you if you take drugs and the urine collector does the collection properly your going to get caught. Drug Screen Collector

Answer #2

Here’s a great idea, don’t take drugs! I work in a laboratory and have to deal with these people who try everything under the sun trying to cheat on the urine test. I’m here to tell you if you take drugs and the urine collector does the collection properly your going to get caught. Drug Scree Collector

Answer #3

katodog1, You probley wont get very many serious answers for this question. Reason being, its your own problem. You did this to yourself. I really get annoyed with people posting questions asking how to pass drugs tests, its redikulous. I think you need to get your act together and stop smoking it, then you wont have to worry anymore. -ѕтәpн♥

Answer #4

hmm… I used to be friends with some big potheads- they would buy a box of gelatin (not Jell-o) just the regular Gelatin, and you mix all the packets with about a cup of water, and you drink it right before the test. It’s supposed to block most of the stuff in your body, and it actually worked for one of my friends- while moderating his five time daily smoking habits to about once every two weeks.

Answer #5

drink a Ton of water geta detox drink from a smoke shop take your vitamins workout (get sweaty!) use a sauna to sweat also. (drink a ton of water!) after the sauna, takea cold shower for a few minutes and then hop back into sauna and sweat some more..

remember to constantly take in water. you want to flush yourself, sweat it out, and flush some mo..

and remember to keep drinking water. and when you think you drank too much, drink some more. and then afew more glasses on top of that.

also, look into what kinda test urine test its for.. for most jobs or a quick on the spot bs test, it’ll usually be a stick test which are usually bunk anyway..

for a rehab program, probation, court ect they usually send it to a lab and have it analized so becareful..

those drinks that give you a window of clean time usually work but most ‘hardcore’ tests like probation can tell if your using a drink. fora job tho it should be ok. (my friend gota job at pottery barn using a drink)

if you have a lot riding on your urine test then I REALLLY REAALLLY reccomend this book..

“passing drug tests” by Kenn A Biscranium.

(his book goes over a ton of herbs and remedys to pass a drug test, BEST investment ever. seriously)

you follow his suggestions and its a gauranteed pass. really an execellent work of great information you cant lose…

and for those people who say the best way to passa test is to not do drugs, your a boner. thanx for wasting everyones time. go waste your life somewhere else..

goodluck to every1 else on their u.a’s =D believe you will pass! have faith G

Answer #6

ok, heres what you do, drink a cup of water then rub your stomach for 10 minutes, then drink a cup of milk the pat your head for five minutes.

Answer #7


you just have to stick your nose where it doesnt belong dont you.

Answer #8


Answer #9

Hm…why doesn’t my nose belong here?

Answer #10

How to pass a urine test?

Here’s a novel idea…how about not taking drugs?

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