Parents getting in the way of sex

Hi I have been dating tis girl for about 8 months now, we just started having sex She is on birth control and I still use condoms but, her parents never leave her house and neither do mine. we are both going off to college next year so we want to get our love out now, before we are separated. we want to have sex all the time now but we can’t ever get time to our selves…any suggestions?

Answer #1

I’m sorry about that that came out all wrong we should close this thread

Answer #2

the camping thing…I mean drop the hotel idea its kinda creepy that your setting up a date for me and my girl

Answer #3

Thank you for ACTUALLY helping me kaitlyn I have a jeep liberty but it is really not that big I just think that it would be cramped

Answer #4

im sorry amoeba but dont listen to is not a good idea to tell the dad you need to have sex with his daughter and wink. that is sooo disrespectful. I would talk to your parents about this if you are close to them. tell them hey im going to college and I love her and we want to have sex. but in your own words. if you arent close to your parents like many of us arent you can have sex somewhere else like go driving with her and find a nice private place and have sex in the car or something like that. it doesnt have to be in a house to make love. and use a condom!!! I would suggest a female condom they break less easily and also use plenty of spermicide. and I dont think neone is too young if they are in love. I sure hope you are… need further advice funmail me and hope I helped you out a little ~kaitlyn~

Answer #5

yeah we are going to do that this summer thats like two weeks away

Answer #6

lol. YOU asked the question and then complained that I wasn’t helpful. lol. then when I try to help you complain…lol just wanted you to see that you don’t need to spend a lot to have a romantic, special evening.. lol…enjoy what ever you do…

Answer #7

Well, what about $99? for a lovely, special night at the Millennium Hotel in Minneapolis. I even attached a photo of the room. Or is she not that special to you and worth $99

Answer #8

and hell yes we are in love!

Answer #9

ha ha your funny thanks for helping me

Answer #10

lol. kattie. that was sarcasm. do you actually think that I would advise talking to her dad? lol. I feel that if you are so young that you can’t figure out how to find a private place to have sex, then you are too young to have sex. Perhaps getting a job and reserving a hotel room? Finding a nice quiet place, spread a blanket, have a picnic and then… If someone cares so little about the atmosphere and romance and so much about JUST DOING IT then maybe they should wait. and a car would be so romantic. it would make ANY girl feel special.

Answer #11

You are thinking of motels, not hotels. Hotels tend to have 350 count pure egyptian cotton sheets, down pillows, beautiful bathrooms with sunken tubs, central air-conditioning, lovely furniture, an elevator that takes you to your floor, a lovely lobby, etc. you are thinking of motels. You drive to your motel room door, the room usually smells, the air conditioner is under the window and is loud and smelly, the sheets are questionable, the carpet has stains, etc… Read what I said, I suggested a HOTEL, not a sleazy motel. And a nice quilt spread under a tree, with a picnic and flowers and candlelight…hmmm, I guess that isn’t special… I didn’t shoot you down that second answer… Actually, I gave you two nice, special, romantic suggestions…

Answer #12

Why don’t you just go to your parents and ask them to leave the house so that you can have sex? I am sure they would want to help you with this. If they don’t, why not ask her parents? Especially her dad. You could say that you really need to have sex with his daughter and then wink. He’s a guy so he will understand.

You sound too young to have sex.

Answer #13

well I don’t really feel like spending $150 bucks

Answer #14

Hotels are nasty! If you’re not going to help then please don’t shoot me down any more I can see what you are saying, but we have both discussed it and we are ready.

And thats what im saying…we want to have fun but we still want it to be special and meaningful

Answer #15

sorry, the photo didn’t attach. but the room was lovely. what about the picnic? what about going camping for the weekend? a nice, quiet campground, just the two of you, playing house for two or three days?

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