Are the 20 Motrins I took going to kill me?

ok was wicked depressed and I overdosed I took liek 20 motirns what do I do I took it like an hour ago I had no side affects at all does that mean im alright

Answer #1

Go to ER.

Answer #2

you OD on a lot of things…including ibuprofen…if you take enough.

maybe she took them, cause that’s all she could get hold of.

Symptoms of a ibuprofen overdose may include: nausea, vomiting or stomach pain, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, seizures, sweating, numbness or tingling, little or no urine production, and slow breathing.

Answer #3

uhh dude your noyt going to die on 20 ibuprofen…and attention ham…I was considering overdosin on vitamins…more lol than the ib…lol n-e ways man uhh that can cause serious liver damange though force them back up

Answer #4

I’d force myself to throw up. I don’t think you can die from 20 motrim, but you can do serious liver damage.

Honestly, who commits suicide with ibuprofen ??

Answer #5

Yes, and quickly. I would think that 20 of them could do serious damage. Don’t stay on this site and chat about it. GET TO THE ER.

Answer #6

Go to the ER and get your stomach pumped.

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