Do you have other editing jobs as well?

Do you have other editing jobs as well?

Answer #1

Hi monicacharlene,

I did get my Bachelor’s in Print Journalism so I do have the formal training. If you have any specific questions you want answered, feel free to shoot me a Fun Mail.

Dara (aka editor)

Answer #2

I am a great writer and took a couple of writing classes in college, but recently, I have taken on the editing position for our FRG and I have not had any experience editing, only having my own stuff editing. I need tips. Lots of them. I do a good job, but I have no formal training. I am really enjoying the newsletter and I I don’t know if I would like a career in editing, but it is definately peaking my interest. Thanks.

Answer #3


I worked at the Miami Herald for about 6 months, didn’t like the stressful atmosphere, so I quit.

I work here on FunAdvice part-time, and edit the school newspaper at the University of Miami as well.

In addition, I’m getting my Masters in something completely different – Public Administration – and I’m graduating in Dec.

Are you interested in an editing career?

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