What are some oppressed countries around the world?

What are some oppressed countries around the world?

Answer #1

One thats been on the news alot lately is Libya, I believe there are many others especially in the middle east that but have yet to come up in the media spot light. To name a few that I can think of are: Yemen, Syria, Egypt, there was one Asian country on the news few months back can’t remember which one and probably Cuba too.

Answer #2

the asian country I was thinking of was Thailand. And I believe that any country ruled by a dictator is oppressed so here is a site that lists all the current and past dictators. http://funadvice.com/r/3mo203o51i

Answer #3

Zimbabwe (Africa) ruled by dictator Robert Mugabe since 1980. North Korea, ruled by dictator Kim-Jong-Il since 1994. Myanmar (Burma) ruled by King Than Shwe since 1992. Belarus rued by dictator Alexander Lukaschenko since 1994. Uzbekistan, ruled by dictator Islam Karimov since 1990. Sudan, ruled by dictator Omar al-Bashir since 1989. Equatorial Guinea, ruled by dictator Teodoro Obiang Nguema since 1979. Cuba, ruled by dictator Raul Castro since 2006 and by his brother Fidel Castro before that since… forever. Swaziland, ruled by King Mswati III since 1986. Eritrea, ruled by dictator Isayas Afewerki since 1993. Ethiopia, ruled by dictator Meles Zenawi since 1991.

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