How does online translation job work?

Answer #1

From when I was in high school, it’s kinda like a dictionary that translates words and sentences. Since it is automated, grammar is not like to come out well.

Answer #2

But how does it work actually.I have lots of doubts regarding this and still those doubts are there within me

Answer #3

Bascially you can paste a sentence into a box and tell it to translate it into another language. It replaces your words with the equivalent in another language. It doesn’t take into account the fact that in another language the wording and placement of certsain things is different. For example: in english you say “how old are you?” and the french equivalent is roughly “you have what age?” So really, they don’t work. And a foreign language teacher can smell them from a mile away. I watched a kid present a 5-minute oral report and the teacher knew he used a translator and made him finish anyway. It was terrible. Steer clear.

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