what are tips to stop studdering?

I studder and I hate it. what are tips to stop studdering

Answer #1

Plan your sentences, talk slow YES SSSLLLOOOWWW

cause its better slow than th th hi hi hi hi thttt ttt t t tt this. hope it helps. <and that isnt making fun, just using example sometimes I stutter and hate it.

Answer #2

you mean stuttering :) I have a friend who stuttered . if it is very bad you would probably need speech therapy to help it but if it is just mild you can work on it yourself. Practise speaking slower than you normally do to start off making you more aware of pronounciation. You may easily get out out of it but I am no expert on that :)

Answer #3

My mom is the same,she stutters all the time,I broke that curse what I call it,the way I stopped it was the way everyone always says,think before you speak and if you get into a tongue twister,stop yourself and try again.

Answer #4

Speech Classes. Think before you speak. Talk slower. Or just don;t worry about it.

Answer #5

The Stuttering Foundation of America is a good source of help for stuttering. That is where our family of stutterers found the best information, referrals, and books, especially “Self Therapy for the Stutterer” and “Advice to Those who Stutter.”

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