lost it 2days ago

so bout 2 months ago I found out I was going to have another baby I was kinda scared but excited , I just lost it 2days ago . I dont know if I should try again or not cause im scared that its going to happen again any advice out there

Answer #1

My condolences!! For now, relax and allow yourself to go through the grieving process. A little later is the time to think about that. Good Luck!!

Answer #2

I am sorry for your loss, I know its tough. I lost two babies during pregnancy…one at 6 weeks and one at 4 months. It was really hard. Give yourself some time(especially emotionally) but if you feel you are ready to try again, only you can choose, but I understand the fear once you lost a child. Doesnt mean the next time things will go bad. I wish you the best!

Answer #3

I am sorry this happened, however, it really does not mean that you can never have another child. I had two miscarriages, before having my last daughter, of whom< I am very proud.

You do need time to grieve your loss, and now, is probably not the best time to try to decide if you want to try again. Birth control might be a good thing, for the next 6 mos, to a year, and by then, your emotions will have settled and you can be better equipped at deciding what you want to do.

God be with you.

Answer #4

I’m sorry you lost your baby… I understand why you’re worried, but if you are meant to have another baby, then it will happen… try not to worry about that… if you want another baby, then you should try again… I know it’s scary to think about that… I worry all the time about having a miscarriage… but just do what you feel is right and good luck…

Answer #5

sorry for you lose but No wait for a few years or so

Answer #6

I am SO SORRY for your loss. I had 5 miscarries, and then had to wonderful (sometimes naughty) boys. The best advice I can give is to at least wait a few months before trying for another baby. Let your mind accept the loss, then when you feel it is right, try again. So many people lose babies early on in pregnancy and no matter what it hurts very bad. One thing I learned from a counselor, is to name the baby, and write the baby a letter of your love. This does help, trust me. Good Luck, and I hope you are doing fine. Hang in there, it will get easier to deal with, and when it does, it IS worth another try.

Answer #7

I’m sorry for your loss.

I wouldn’t worry about it and its possible indication for future pregnancies.

It sometimes happens that something has gone wrong with the developing embryo and nature causes it to be naturally aborted.

Unless you have some condition that caused the pregnancy to be terminated (and your doctor would have advised you if you did), I wouldn’t worry about problems with future pregnancies. I would wait 2 or 3 months before trying to get pregnant again simply to allow your body to have gotten back to normal before becoming pregnant again.

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Answer #8

My condolences. I know what that’s like. I’m now 31, was 30 when preg with first baby, only pregnancy. Lost my son @ 24 weeks (july 15 2008). Icing on the cake, it was my 7th wed anniversary when we found out everything that was wrong.

Per our neonatal specialist we did an amnio to find out why everything happened. here’s what happened with us = chromosome 13 duplicated (had 2-3 pairs instead of the 1 pair) caused a herniated diaphragm, allowing stomach to grow right where heart should have been. Pushing heart further left, no room to grow properly heart had 3 chambers, left lung was barely there since heart was pushed left it pushed the left lung further left giving no room for proper growth. Kindeys were highly reflective on the full anatomy scan, which doc said indicated a high amount of kidney stones. When we saw the dcans of the brain (holes the size nickels/quarters instead of brain tissue) I tuned out at that point. Doc went on to mention more but at the brain I stopped listening.

Doc put me in risk group of a woman 38+ and said that I have a higher chance of it happening again. Statistics aren’t going to stop my hubby and I from trying and trying. But that’s my situation. Your’s is most likely different as to the cause of your loss.

I couldn’t wait to start trying to get preg again. (made my hubby crazy with it) Since you lost yours so recently, I can tell you that I bled from july 15 to august 5. My first period didn’t start until september 13. But I was 24 weeks, I’m not sure how your body will react.

I still feel gipped, and there are still times where I just can’t stop crying, that I was robbed. Even though I know our baby was bad off. We made the decision to end the pregnancy, there was no way I could let our baby live with that much, and more wrong. And since I’m not preg :( yet (and we really do want children now more than ever, if anything we now know that we are completely ready for young’uns :)) I know I need to let my body heal. And I know I need to let my emotions heal. Losing a baby is one of the worst, traumatic things a woman can go through.

My advice would be to relax. Give yourself some time to heal, physically, mentally and emotionally. Just have fun with your significant other and the baby will happen

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