Why does my right nipple hurt when I exercise or after a shower?

Answer #1

Depends on if you’re a girl or guy I guess. Isn’t the heart closer to the right side? Could be something to do with your heart. Also showers and exercise tend to have similar results- more heat in the body. Maybe heat has something to do with it. Well I wouldn’t be much help here I see. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Try taking a cold shower and see if that makes a difference. You could have a pulled chest muscle, if that’s possible. Ack my answer is terrible.

Answer #2

haha, im a male. n idk, im geussing its something with puberty?

Answer #3

yeah that makes sense. Growing pains. Drink more milk man!

Answer #4

If you take hot showers it will burn the nipple, or if you wear unfamiliar clothing one day it could annoy the nipple as well

Answer #5

It could be something to do with puberty. Men can also get sensitive around their body just like girls. I would in any case visit a doctor, especially if the pain is really bad,because what is normal for a girl might not be that normal for you.

Answer #6

It’s closer to the left. :)

Answer #7

Curses. I fail.

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