Does anyone here think needles hurt?

Answer #1

Yes. Needles hurt.

I just stitched my arm a couple of hours ago. It hurt.

Good thing pain is just pain. You’re the only one who could get it out of your system.

Answer #2

To me, they pinch. They don’t hurt per se…unless I’m giving blood and they’re screwing it up a bit. Not too big a deal though.

Answer #3

Yeah kind of lol. But whenever I’m in any pain, I just think of things that could be worse haha. Did you know they now have an influenza jab where the needle is TINY!! It looks like a splinter form a match stick! So tiny! So hopefully they will make all injection needles that small soon. And as with stitches- they have glue now that’s more effective, less painful, and you don’t have to have them taken out lol.

Answer #4

Yeah. But we don’t have that at home. and I couldn’t go to the office with my left arm bleeding like that. =(

Answer #5

I find some hurt a lot, and other just pinch a bit. When I have blood tests done it only pinches, yet when I use to get my monthly B12 needle it bruised my arm and hurt for three days after (it was injected in to a muscle). I think it has a lot to do with location and what is being injected in/taking out (Blood).

Answer #6

my citys nurses were bitches when i was a kid … they stab u with needles and not care >.> and after it use to bruise……………… my mate had the needle snap off in his arm and they didnt sue…

Answer #7

That’s horrible. I’m also a nurse. I couldn’t even stab a baby without feeling pity (because all babies cry no matter how gentle you prick them.)

Answer #8

nope, i have 4 injections a day and their painless

Answer #9

yes :( getting shots freaks me out, and i think the needle for giving blood hurts because it stays in your arm for a while… but i guess im biased because of bad experiences. when i was little i had alergy testing. it was like 25 shots on each arm and stracth testing (drop of the medicine then the sratch it in with a needle) covering my back. another time i went to have bloodwork and the woman tried to use my left arm, 2 different times and couldnt find a vein. so she attempted to use my right arm (which was in a sling). missed the first time, then again and when she didnt find the vein she started spining the needle in my arm! my mom flipped out, and we went somewhere else to get my bloodwork. i ended up with two huge circular bruises. so yeah, to me, needles hurt :(

Answer #10

I’m not scared of needles and don’t have a problem with them. They don’t actually hurt to me either, except the really thick ones. The fluid in the injection is what hurt the most.

Answer #11

yes! and IVs hurt like helll!!

Answer #12


Answer #13

Something about a small piece of sharp metal, being stabbed into your skin… Hecka yeah it hurts :P Expectially the needle that you get before an iv goes in… :O

Answer #14

nope i got regularly shots due to intense allergies but it never hurt, and i always poke myself with a needle. I have a high pain threshold though.

Answer #15

and after yesterday, where they put a needle through my already hurting shoulder, then used another needle to inject pain medicine, and another to inject almost an ounce of contrast… needles hurt :(

Answer #16

Yea loads… Im terrified of needles :(

Answer #17

i sadly started sticking a needle in my arm when i was a kid to get over the pain that the nurses did XD so yeh i guess needles dont hurt… its just ur blood pressure drops and anxiety messes ur head up bad

Answer #18

needles dont hurt as much i find if you dont think about them.. Whenever i have to get needles put into me i look away and think of something completly different and i most deffinetly do not have i high pain threshold!

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