What are some names of some interesting, addicting, good books?

Answer #1

Twilight New Moon Eclipse The Vampire Diaries The Warriors

Answer #2

try the fallen series, i fell in love with it <3 or the House of Night series is also amazing.

Answer #3

Vampire Academy

Answer #4

Two of the most intriguing books I’ve read are by Keith Hartman:

The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse Gumshoe Gorilla

Answer #5

anything twilight lol

Answer #6

Wuthering High, its a great book :)

Answer #7

I’m gonna out on a limb Loraine and suggest some scifi books. Not sure if this is you are into this but there is this author who wrote a series called the looking Glass novels; outrageous actions tales set in deep space. The other is a 3-part vampire series, nothing like the teen series you read about, but ones more rooted in pure horror and plague like called The Strain followed by book 2 called the Fall. I have enjoyed them immensely so you can see if this would be something you would be interested in.

Answer #8

eragon, and if u like classic literature try reading the complete stories and poems of edgar allen poe

Answer #9


Answer #10

I love Labels by H.C. Carlton. It’s fantastic. It’s about the fashion world in the 60’s leading into the 70’s. It follows three women’s journeys in success and life with twists and turns, drama, tears, confusion and utter, pure love. A real realistic outlook on the lives of three real women. Inspired by a true story.

Really, read and never regret it.

Answer #11

Hunger Games Wolves of Mercy Falls (A trilogy, my fav. books) Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Answer #12

Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati

Answer #13

Do you ever read or watch the twilight Saga and wonder just once in your life if that could be you in that movie, and then just wonder what will be coming next/?

Answer #14

anything by ellen hopkins!!

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