My mother hates him so what do I do?

I tend to have a problem with guys I fall for all the lines it’s like I just get lost in the moment but with the guy im dating now it’s different he doesn’t pull all that crap he doesn’t ever force me to do anything and I honestly feel safe with him like when were together nothing/no one could ever hurt me again. But here is the catch my mother hates him and im not allowed to see him she doesn’t even no were together sick thing is the only reason she doesn’t like him is because his grades arent so great and he get’s detention a lot(just for stupid stuff but 1 or2 fights) what should I do please help me!!!

Answer #1

Explain to your mom and try to make her understand how this guy makes you feel. She has no right to keep you from seeing him anyway. It’s your business, and she’s free to have her own opinion, but you have yours too, and what your decision is should matter in the end.

Answer #2

remeber that if you are underage your mom does have the power to keep you from him…so if you try to explain how you feel for him and she dont agree dont get mad and tell her ure going to anywaystry to look as sad as possible and keep seeing him anyways. although our parents care for us it is still our lives and wheather being with this boy is a mostake or not its yours to make and learn from who knows this might be the love of your life its up to you to find be careful tho keep your feet on the ground even if your head is in the clouds but most importantly be happy -v-

Answer #3

my boyfriends kind of a “bad boy” (so the parents call it) too and I love him to death…my parents know about the last fight Jesse was in and they don’t like the thought of it but its really notta big deal to them. im sorry about yor difficulties…sneak out or be a good girl and juss try to explain to yer mom how much he means to yoy and explain that if you fu** up while yer going out its over…suck up a lot

funmail me sorry if a wasn’t any help…

Answer #4

well if you do lovee him thenn she should feel for you and im pretty suree shell come aroundd sooner or later so yeahh goodd luck on yourr relationshippp :]

Answer #5

Exactly how old are you? I’m sure you’re not 24.

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