Why does my media player play anime mirror style?

I run the following media players: Gom Windows 11 Real Player [latest… forgot which version it is] DivX pack 6.2 PowerDVD

Okay so since I installed media coder and converted one anime episode [encoded with divx] to mpeg to test the program, I find ALL my anime episodes are displayed in ‘mirrored form’, except for DivX and Gom Player. Everything else, including PowerDVD plays it the wrong way… which is annoying. I tried uninstalling media coder but it STILL doesn’t work.

I don’t want to use the other players because they suck. Seriously.

Can anyone help me? or even know what I can do to fix it… please??? Reformatting my computer is the last thing I want to do right now.

Just btw, all my other DVDs work fine - it’s just the anime stuff that doesn’t work well, or maybe it’s the DivX codec…

Answer #1

aww sweeet. Thanx dude!!!

just btw even windows media player didn’t work out… :(((

Answer #2

Hmmm that definitely sounds like a codec problem.

I’d uninstall your Divx codec and reinstall it.

Also, try Windows Media Player–much better.

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