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What can I use for my breakout?
AHH! My face is broken out really bad for some reason. School starts soon and I would love to have a clear and pretty face. I already use proactive but it must not be working to well What are some things that might help my problem? Thanks loves :)
try anything you can find in wal mart they have soaps and masks
use clean and clear
I use neutrogena.. any neutrogena product is gud.. its mild and it works great for me.. also yuu can use 100% lemon juice and leave it on overnight.. just make sure yuu wash it off right when you get up… if it burns then wash it off after 10 minutes
Gud Luk
Try useing a product called nature’s cure. It is a pill and cream and it works really well. I used it when I was 15years old and it completely cleared up my face. Its cheap only 10 bucks at a local rite aid or pharmacy.
Yea..try rubbing the lemon on your face…
Whenever you wash your face during the day, wash it with hot water as you normally would first… Use ponds face wash or clean and clear face wash.. Rememberr to use hot waterrr!!! (This opens your pores and cleans from the inside.)
Then after your done, splash your face with really cold water a couple of times. (This closes your pores so that no more dirt can sit in your face…)
And leave. Do not use anything to dry! Let it dry it’s self off. Ull c your acne fading away sooner than later :D
I use lemon juice and put it on my face and I havent had any acne latly hope I helped:)
Clean and clear (:
If it’s that bad you should see a dermatolagist. Also, toner and benzoyl peroxid cream work really well.
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