How can I become fat and fit?

How can I become fat and fit

Answer #1

try not working out for a while, and just eat youll gain weight, and then you weight lift,and turn it to muscle, it will take a looong time to get really fit though

Answer #2

Weight gain powder is good because it has a lot of protein in it

eating more protein in your diet and working out is good just dont go over your 2,500 kcals or the exercise wont even be worth doing, youll just have bad weight in the wrong areas

Answer #3

I dunno if this will work, but like add more bad stuff to your diet,and excercise everyday. This way you will build up more muscle and have a little bit of fat on you. (I think anyway :S, Lol) x

Answer #4

fat?? well I mean its not good to be fat or too too skinney but since your question is how do I become fat then eat a lot? but if you r in any type of sport you gain muscle! so in a sport = muscle = bigger AND stronger dude!!

Answer #5

gain weight then exersice and you will have fat and muscle under neith

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