Murder investigation board

For those of you who watch shows such a CSI you often see them gathering the evidence and dispalying it on a baord. Normally its clear and they write things on it like times and dates under the pictures of the body and crime scene. Does anyone know the name for this? My teacher suggested just an investigation board but I was wondering fo there is a proper name. Cheers! xXx

Answer #1

I’ve always heard it referred to as ‘the drawing board’- it’s like the expression used when something doesn’t work out as planned, and people say ‘right, back to the drawing board’.

It’s used in science, inventing, and criminal investigation. It’s basically a board used to draw a bunch of objects, people, events etc, and finding what links them. It can be glass (ie: see-through), a whiteboard, or a chalkboard.

So yeah, I’d just say it’s a drawing board.

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