What motivates you the most to go to work each day, money or personal satisfaction?

Answer #1

For me its a bit of both. As I write and draw, I find it very satisfying to be able to help people and I love it when I finish a drawing/painting and they are so happy! But, I also have bills to pay so also work hard to make money.

Answer #2

It’s a fantastic feeling to be earning money, but as I don’t yet have all the responsibilities I would as a mature adult (home owner, many bills, children) although I do pay towards the home income, then at this point in time, my own personal growth and learning what I am is more motivating and satisfying. What motivates me is getting better at what I do, learning as much as I can, so I can progress as a person and in the workplace. I want to develope so I can one day have better earning potential.

I earn good money for somebody my age, but I’m not at the pont in life where that is the sole motivation. That may change in years to come, but I would hope that I could maintain a balance. I don’t think I would want to be making a lot for a job I hated. Maybe it could be sustained for a little while, but I guess eventually it would drag you down to a point where it isn’t worth it.

Answer #3

Its a bit of both. When i was working outside of my home and decorating in bakeries the money and my enjoyment of m job both made me get up and go. On one hand i have bills to pay and a child to take care of, so the money would have made me get up and go regardless. On the other hand, i would go in on my days off, stay late, and work on things at home when i was off the clock because i honestly love decorating cakes and everytime i got to do something new and creative ive never done it would excite me. Fortunatly now im working out of my home so i dont have to leave the house and i have a more flexable and lienant schedule and i can start when i want too. Its still just as exciting though and even if it wasnt for the money, i would still be decorating cakes just for fun.

Answer #4

also i dont have a job yet iam a student but studying is related to my future job… to be honest it’s both Money and personal satisfaction… i imagine myself in the future and i dont want to stand still and have no answer when people asks me about my job… i don’t want to wait for my surround (parents , or a partner) to give me money… its just i want to build the foundation of my life by my ownself…and that is the way it is…you never know what may happen to you tomorrow parents will not be there for us till the day we die as long as we are young and have ability to build our life i think we should better hurry up and don’t waste our time=)

Answer #5

money… i only worked 3 days last week and earned £500.

it was a foreigner

Answer #6

Money coz u cnt live w/o money. it is sumthin u need. that is wat a job is for,, it is to make money!!!

Answer #7

i dnt have a job cuz every 1 keeps sayin im too young, and no 1 will hire me! how can i get a job at 14?

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