Mother tried to kill herself about 30 minutes ago.

She took some pills and now she is in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. Not sure if I’m asking for advice or not…I just wanted to put this somewhere.

Answer #1

Thanks. But yea, I won’t be here for too much longer. Apparently we owe $2475.50 for rent.

And no need to say his advice isn’t helpful people. At least he said something. Besides, it was reverse psychology advice.

Answer #2

When you get yourself collected enough to go to the hospital, ask to speak with a social worker at the nurses station. Most hospitals have a few on staff. Your mom was probably crying out for help. Now she can get the help she needs. Don’t worry about the bills, the important thing is that your family sticks together in times of crisis. The social worker should be able to help you with the loose ends and also give you some emotional support and direction.

Answer #3

I’m assuming that it is your mother. I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully everything will work out okay.

Let her know that you support her and want to help her all you can during this time in her life. She probably has a lot of problems that have simply overwhelmed her and she couldn’t see other choices.

When she gets out of the hospital, if she is computer literate and not seeing other therapists, turn her on to some of the many internet sites that help people deal with depression.

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