How do I get my mom to actually think ONE thing posetive about me?

Answer #1

maybe write a list of every positive quality you have or positive thing you think youve done on a piec of paper

Answer #2

Id oprove her wrong somehow so shes actuallly thinkk good not badd an if that dnt work than ask her what her problem is?

Answer #3

Sometimes even all of that doesnt help…i should know! My mom still hates my very existence… i was told to leave her be…that some people just cant seem to accept or think positive thoughts about others…especially mom’s….

sometimes, it is because of the fact that they blame you for their life turning out the way it is, when in fact it is really not…you didnt ask to be here they brought you into this world…but hey do we need to constantly look for their acceptance…? Answer is very simple…Hell NO! :P

So, now i am passing it on to you…Stop looking for her acceptance, for her approval…if you have had a convo with her & explained how you feel & she cant see one good thing in you then she isnt a mother to begin with! A mother isnt just a woman that gives birth to you…you werent just paying her to use her womb for 9 months right?! I mean come on… If a mother has no emotional feelings, love & affection then she is seriously just a mother on paper! I highly doubt that she feels this way or you do about her… try to talk to her, either face to face or by letter…pour your heart out…all of it….if she hears it & has a heart she will understand that she has hurt you & will apologize for being that way & treating you that way! If she simply doesnt care & still treats the same way, then you have no choice but to put up with it til you are of legal age then you have the choice to leave, cut her out of your life & move on with your life.

You are a good person, you are smart, and filled with emotions…I have all the faith in you & your situation, I am confidant that you will pull through this & you have us here to help ya with more advice ahead right folks?! :P

Good luck my friend & dont forget chin up!♥

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