What is a migraine and how is it different from a headache?

Answer #1

OMG. They are so painful. They are like headaches, but just way different, I really don’t know how to explain, but if you have one, you’ll know. I had one back in 8th grade, I was in my dance class xD and I got a normal headache, but people started saying I looked so PALE and then I had it, just in my head so big. I couldn’t think. I called my mom, she picked me up we went to walmart, and in the middle of the parking lot I just puked until my stomach was empty. It was horrifying. I also remember having one in 9th grade, it was like wacky tacky day, and I sprayed my hair with the thing to change hair color, but just the spray on, and I had it about 2 hours, on my second class I called my mom because the smell and the migraine were unbearable. I think when I got them, my vision was slurred and my motor skills were acting poorly, so I felt like I was about to faint.

Answer #2

A migrain is literally unbearable, I used to get them all the time and would just sit in my bathroom with the lights turned off in the shower and throw up. With migrains everything is heightened every small sound and light hurts unimagiable and every smell makes you want to throw up. They are HORRIBLE. Like words can’t even explain how horrible they are.

Answer #3

Oh I get them to on occasion and they are no fun, they are so debilitating and it feels like your head is gonna explode at times. Juan and Mackenzie have hit it right on the head. My mom gets them so bad at times, she literally can’t move and she has the curtains drawn in her bedroom and she looks pale when I used to live at home. Now my gf gets them, and they do the same thing as well.

Answer #4

i got 1 wen was 11 once and it was so bad i threw up. ur head literly feels like its chewin its self up and spiitin it out. its horrid.

Answer #5

You will know the difference between a migraine and a headache if you get a migraine. Trust me.

Answer #6

Migrain is a kind of brain allergy which occurs due to different reasons. It might be noise, light or even a crowd. However, headaches occur due to water deficiency, tension, tumor or tiredness.

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