Do men mind girls having hairy bums?

Answer #1

i dont think i ever met a girl with a hairy bum, maybe she should get waxed

Answer #2

Hairy bums?!

Answer #3

Girls with hairy anything is gross. Aside from head hair and eyebrows

Answer #4

the onyl place a girl should have hair is on her head and eyebrows…anywhere else its diguesting

Answer #5

Peach fuzz or a small amount of really fine hair i guess is ok, but to say that the bum is hairy, and it’s obvious that it is, then no, that’s not good.

Answer #6

I would love to see/hear what men think if we ever enter into an apocalyptic state where body hair, would probably be the last thing on our minds. To answer your question, everybody has hair everywhere, even you buttocks. For most, it’s just a very light peach fuzz that’s pretty much unnoticeable unless a guy were to go hunting for hair. So if that’s what you’re referring to, it’s totally fine I don’t think you need to do anything about it at all. Some women might have darker hair or just simply more body hair. If it you feel you have more and it bothers you, wax, do not shave. I don’t think I’ve ever met/heard of a girl with a hairy enough bottom to NEED to be waxed, so I think you’re just talking about the peach fuzz.

Answer #7

hair anywhere is a natural thing. for everybody, if you find it that big of a deal then have at it, fix it but its a natural human feature. i dont see how its gross…but thats just me, it should be no problem.

Answer #8

Everyone, male and female, has hair everywhere. Its completely natural and normal. Whats disgusting is people with attitudes like yours.

Answer #9

Well said John….D what are you on about?….I am disgusted at your pathetic unreasonable responce to Johns rightly said opinion…Us Men would not 9,999 times out of a 10,000 come across hair on women,in magazines on tv in real life….hair aint there…. so it is normal for guys to think its gross because 9,999 out of 10,000 women have convinced us over time that No hair is sexy…hair is what men have.For men to think it is gross is the fault of all women that remove the stuff.IMO

Answer #10

Danielle, don’t blame me. Blame media and society for the past couple hundred years that convince developed nations that no hair is attractive…. Even now even guys are starting to go hairless. So before you point fingers calling me a disgusting Person when you don’t even know me, take a second and think about how you will never know what you truly perceive about anything because you grew up surrounded by biases and prejudices.

Answer #11

Everyone is different, but I don’t think it’s a sight a man would like to see on a girl.

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