Me and my two girlfriends

I’m nineteen. I have been with my girlfriend for 6 months now. I love her cousin more than her. I have been kissing and everything except sex for over 6 months now. They both asked me out on the same day. I picked my girlfriend. I still want to be with her cousin, but her parents hate me for one mistake I made a long time ago. What can I do. I love my girlfriend, but I love the cousin mre. And we can’t be together yet because of her parents

Answer #1

stop playing them both. honestly- I’d find someone out of the family. how do you think your current girlfriend will feel when your with her cousin? they probably wont get along. your nineteen year’s old. it’s time to grow up.

Answer #2

Stop playing them both.

Grow up and be a man and pick ONE woman to be with and ONLY one. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Stop acting like a child before they both leave you.

Answer #3

I wanrt to pick steph the cousin but her parents hate me

Answer #4

Then pick her, but stop being a player and using your girlfriend.

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