What would you do if you were the mayor of your town/city?

Answer #1

I would maintain traditions by putting in my claim in for extravagant expenses. .

Answer #2

I would make it the best city everr!! Tons of events, fairs, beautiful parks, make sure my citizens are happy and wealthy, do something about the less fortunate. Tighten up the security/ sheriff department to control crime, and lots of fundraisers

Answer #3

The first thing I would will be to fire all the incompetent people in my town who haven’t been able to deliver results and appoint properly qualified and experienced people for the job.

Answer #4

id be making sure all the meth heads leave the dang town we have so many druggies in this town the police wont even do anything about it

Answer #5

I would try to make the city better for st. Louis is full of crime so I would make a better police enforcement and try to increase child awareness in the city for it’s dangers to younger teens.

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