If we all start out as females, then why were men created first?

Ok for the question I asked like a week ago: Why do men have nipples? I got the response that men have nipples because in the womb we are all females until men actually start to grow there genitalia. That sparked another question: If we all start out as females, then why were men created first?

Answer #1

guys would look kinda funny without nipples… O.O …my poor Kyo would look really funny!!!

Answer #2

Gender is actually a complex topic. I knew a woman who was a cytologist; one of her tasks was determining the gender of babies when they had ambiguous genitalia. Sexual differentiation does not occur in embryos until 8 weeks after which we begin to become male or female depending on which hormonal triggers are present. In general zygotes with XX chromosomes develop female anatomy while those with XY chromosomes develop male anatomy. However things do go wrong and there are babies born with the wrong plumbing than they should have according to their chromosomes. In the past it was believed that gender identity was mainly based on conditioning; if you treated someone like a girl they would grow up identifying themselves as a woman and if you treated someone like a boy they would grow up feeling male. Children with deformed genetalia were surgically given female genitalia because as surgeons say, it is easier to make a hole than a pole. Many of the children with male chromosomes who were surgically changed grew up identifying themselves as men inspite of being raised as girls. Some did not learn of their gender reassignment until they were adults.

Getting back to the nipple question, all mammals have nipples. In men they are not particularily useful though they do not disappear durring sexual differentiation. I have read that it is possible for men to take the hormone prolactin and produce milk and nurse like women do. I can’t imagine men lining up for this though. Remembering to take out the trash once a week is tough enough for men let alone remembering to nurse every couple of hours.

Answer #3

I can’t imagine men lining up for this though. LOL Fillet hmm poor baby and having hair under the gums cant be that nice for a baby :-)

Because when the great untruth (the bible) was written there was no such thing as science no one had a clue how babies were formed apart from they knew how to make them (good old human nature).

Woohooo a lot of insight for a girl your age, wish I had that when I was your age :-) Go gal ;-)

Answer #4

“we are all taken from the same blue print God made man first then he formed woman from man thats why a woman has one more rib that a man”

Wrong. Women have the same amount of ribs as men. Both men and women have 24 ribs (2 sets of 12).

Why have you decided in the question that men were created first? Babies come from women afterall. I think its kind of like what came first chicken or the egg? @ethmer I don’t know of any instances of human asexual reproduction. But there has been a type of lizard in which all the males died out. Now there is only females and they reproduce asexually.. So it is possible..

Answer #5

Toadaly, I’d sure appreciate seeing your evidence. As far as I can find, there has never been natural asexual reproduction in humans. The only thing even close is cloning but that involves scientific intervention.

Since humans evolved from other species, there never was a time when humanity’s continuance was dependent on asexual reproduction.

Please show just one instance of natural human asexual reproduction.

    I hope you do not take offense,
    To that that's gone before;
    'Tis only that it's my two-cents,
    And not one penny more. §;o)
Answer #6

Men and women evolved simultaneously. Either way they were given birth to by a female.

Answer #7

we are all taken from the same blue print God made man first then he formed woman from man thats why a woman has one more rib that a man

Answer #8

I read that nipples are just one of those sexually neutral pieces of equipment, like arms or brains, that humans get regardless of sex.

Answer #9

Maybe man was God’s template for the creation of humans and God utilized most of man’s features in creating woman, only having to alter the template a little bit.

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Answer #10

ohnestly I dont think everyone is born as a women if they were men would havea female sexual organ that would have to turn into a penis when hes born were just humans when were being created, then things like sexual organs that determin gender come in

Answer #11

Because when the great untruth (the bible) was written there was no such thing as science no one had a clue how babies were formed apart from they knew how to make them ;) ;) (good old human nature). Now a days we can study foetuses from the first few weeks of conception and the whole man was first is just a load of bulsh its so that men would be seen as superior to women “Eve came from Adam” . . . . . . no Adam should have come out of Eve’s fanny hole

Answer #12

Men weren’t created first. Asexual reproduction came first, followed by androgenous reproduction, followed by hermaphroditic reproduction, followed by sexual reproduction. The boundaries between each of these was squishy. Even today, there are rare cases of asexual human reproduction.

Answer #13

ok first get the religious mumbo jumbo out of your head and just realize adam and eve were story book characters in a money making religion! Listen to your science teacher! makes more sense then anything else

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