How long does your hair stay straight after getting a permanent?

Also, about how much does it generally cost?

Answer #1

Usually about half a year depending on how good it is. Cost would be cheapest around $100 on shorter/less hair and at the cheapest place.

Answer #2

What if my hair is naturally straight…but I got a curly perm a while ago..and my hair is still a bit curly. I just want it straight again.

Answer #3

It can stay straight for a l

Answer #4

are u wanting your hair straight or curly..To get it straight after a perm After a few days you can get another perm and do it yourself at home just follow directions after u get the solution on your hair keep combing it straight and just follow just don’t use the keep it straight as you can i have done this several time when i didn’t like a perm always worked for me

Answer #5

just don’t use the rollers

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