What are 5 things you can't live without?

What are 5 things you can’t live without?

Answer #1
  1. God
  2. My art supplies!!
  3. My guitar
  4. My cell phone
  5. deviantart.com
Answer #2

My family My friends My room (which comes with all of my stuff) Fizzy drinks My favourite food: pickled cockles!

Answer #3

1.music 2.my cute 2 puppies!! 3.my books 4.my mp3 5.my cellphone

Answer #4

1.Metallica 2Maria Sharapova 3Football 4History 5LALALALALLALALALLALALALLALALLLALALALLA by EMPYREY (I luv this song)

Answer #5

well the logical ones first, air, water shelter, food, and bathrooms.

now the not so logical ones, My boyfriend, my music, my family, my jewlery, and my hair products…

Answer #6

apart from the obvious (which includes my family) 1.internet 2.tv 3.friends 4.chocolate

  1. funadvice :)
Answer #7

air food water using the bathroom Showers But those are logical stuff. now for the real answers:

My girlfriend Julie Music Ipod Computer(That includes internet) Video Games

Answer #8

I’ll give you my list of things I can’t live with out, which are, 1 the computer. 2 Church, and scriptures. 3 TV. 4. Food, clothing, apartment, and personal items. and 5. friends, radio, and family which that’s a different story. Those are my list of things that I just can’t live without. I’m too dependent on the computer, I love going to church since they are my extended family, and I love being at home in my apartment. We all can’t live without food. Hope this helps.

Answer #9
  1. boyfriend
  2. best friend
  3. cell phone
  4. food
  5. my puppy
Answer #10
  1. my sisters
  2. music
  3. my instruments
  4. friends (boyfriend too)
  5. basic needs
Answer #11

1.boyfriend 2.computer/music 3.food 4.hair products 5.mall/hollister

Answer #12

1: My love 2: My music 3: My independence 4: My open mindedness 5: MY Goals

Answer #13
  1. God
  2. My bed
  3. My pet rabbit (hes sooo cute!)
  4. Favourite foods
  5. Friends + Family
Answer #14

well food, water, air, shelter, just playing, My girl friend, My family, My Music, My friends, and sucess…

Answer #15

1.my awesome frenns 2.my celly phone 3.the mall 4.friday night movies 5.my digital camera

Answer #16

ZUNE and FOOD!!!I love them to death!!!

Answer #17

1 Zune 2 Computer 3 Music 4 Girls =] 5 food

Answer #18

family, friends, my dog, makeup, and love :)

Answer #19

Music, God, family, friends, and Summertime. :)

Answer #20
  1. Music
  2. Laptop
  3. Friends
  4. House
  5. Ramen
Answer #21
  1. god
  2. lots of sleep
  3. My horse
  4. friends
  5. sunny days :)
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