How can i keep up with life without having a mental breakdown?

So im on the verge of exploding, the last few weeks have been hell, school is ridiculous, and if i could i would sleep 20 hours a day…which i have done. Im way in over my head right now and im at bare minimum. I fantisize about just not doing anything…but i cant do that..How do i gain sanity without dropping everything?

Answer #1

i can relate. just cool down. have fun. when you reach my age, you’ll look back and ask yourself “Why did i go so ape over that?” btw, nice dog!

Answer #2

if i could i would sleep 20 hours a day…which i have done.

Stop. Avoiding is not helping. It’s nice in the short term. My favorite way of dealing (or not). But it isnt helping. You’re making yourself tired by oversleeping. You’re piling on work, which is creating even more stress and anxiety. And basically you’re not dealing. Focus on what needs to be done. Create a list. And just start working on the list. Even if it is one thing at a time. Because that one thing is better than what you’re currently doing. Which is nothing. And try to remember, whatever it is, it isnt the end of the world. In high school, everything seems like it is. My 11th grade exams were the key to my success, then my grade 13 exams were the key to my success, the drama was life or death, etc etc etc. You know what. It doesnt matter today. I talk to 1 person from high school. I got Ds on my exams. And yet my life seems to have figured itself out ok. That crap will not matter in 5 years. It wont. Why would you have a mental breakdown over it?

Answer #3

I understand. School has been pretty crazy for me lately, and I have an absolute tonne of homework that I need to do right now. Just try to relax, and think, all of the work you put in now, will make the rest of your life that much easier. So you could have it easy now, and difficult for the rest of your life, or a little bit harder now, and easier for the rest of your life. I know what I’m choosing. :)

Right… now to start my homework. D:

Answer #4

I think this happens because we think our lives are out of control. Maybe they are. I feel lazy or like i am “giving up” if i cant do all that is on my plate. Can you ‘let go” of something just for today? Allow yourself a “pass”, so to say, on something?

Answer #5

I can relate too, I do have mental breakdowns :P

Jusr calm down and relax, deal with teacher problem at a time as things don’t seem to pile up. I don’t suggest ‘give up’ but maybe take a break or something. Just so you can cool down.

Answer #6

The thing is its not piled up yet, i have more than a 100 percent in all my classes, and i write 3 page essays twice a week. I just have this feeling like im going to fail because im just going to stop everything…

Answer #7

What the heck do you mean by (stop everything) that? You’re doing great. When i was in school, if i got a ‘C’ it was because the teacher felt sorry for me. Jaes, now i’m 60 and i am fine. Got money and am going to live the rest of my life in ease. You will be ok too.

Answer #8

Here’s the thing. I know depression. The fear of going back to a place where you just stop and freeze is always there. But you’ve managed to figure it out so far. And you will deal with it if it happens again. So remind yourself of that. You’ve gotten so much better over the past year. You are not the same person you were a few years ago. You know how to deal with stuff now. You can do this. But worrying about it is only to end up in a self fulfilling prophecy. Focus on the progress you’ve made.

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