Is it possible to learn how to play the piano online?

Answer #1

uh its kinda a hands on thing ya know…. but you could learn rhythms and note names. But to PLAY the piano you need a piano.

Answer #2


Answer #3

In order to learn how to play the piano you need a piano so i would say no

Answer #4

You can learn basics like note reading, beats, note placement, rudiments and theory online. As for actually playing piano though, it’s one of those things you need to practice to get good at. Learning online can only get you so far, without practice you won’t be able to get really good.

Answer #5

I suppose it is possible. The are sites that will give you tutorials and instruction on how to play, as well as video demonstrations on the proper finger positions. It is easier, however, to learn while playing since it is a hands-on hobby. Maybe you could learn online WHILE actually playing the piano?!

Answer #6

Thanks.. my dad doesn’t want me to get lessons :(

Answer #7

ehh i guess.. my dad doesn’t want me to get piano lessons lol thanks :)

Answer #8

Do you have a piano? You can learn to read notes online beats and staves online, and then transfer it to your actual piano playing :). That you can definitely do. Start off with learning how to read the notes and the beats and where the notes are placed on the keyboard from there you can learn and practice simple songs on your own, eventually you will be able to play harder songs.

Answer #9

In that case, learning online is a great, FREE alternative! :)

Answer #10

haha no he won’t buy me one cause i can’t play it and he says it’s useless to learn because i will never do it as a job for living.. but i love it tho =/

Answer #11

it looks SO hard lol

Answer #12

Ooh :( No way you could save up to get a cheap keyboard or something?

Answer #13

good idea.. :O!

Answer #14

you can learn how to play songs by youtube lessons .. but you won’t learn basics .. you’ll be learning them by watching the videos

Answer #15

learning the piano with a real piano is always the best, so you can learn to feel the notes with your fingers.

Answer #16

Um yea u can learn a few things but don’t think u will be able to play like mozart or something from online

u can do like online lessons but its kinda complicated and it cost money most of the time so its better to get in person lessons

Answer #17

Yull learn the basics, but i doubt yull be beethoven!

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