How can I learn the history of my home for free?

Answer #1

First of all, you could start asking old ladies from the neighborhood. They tend to know a lot more than you expect. And many of them will be extremely happy to have someone to talk.

Then you can call up town administration, and ask whether there are any city archives that you can look into for free. They may have noted down home owners and real estate owners there.

Answer #2

too bad he doesnt live by me i have tons of old people in my neighbor hood ahah ‘ i remember the day that america was founded i was only 8 years old’ warning u might get something like that though lol(: but old people are cool(: :DD

Answer #3

Besides old folks in the neighborhood…. you can research your library, county clerks office, county courthouse for records of previous owners. Also with reference to the library, some towns publish a bicentenial book about the history and people/their families, etc about the goings on of that town and some of the major happenings in their era. Some counties have public records on line that will allow you to track previous owners.

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