How many languages can you speak (fluently)?

:) For me it’s English and Spanish.

Answer #1

Just English. I’m not too fluent in Spanish yet.

Answer #2

English and Hungarian

Answer #3

Just English, but I’m learning German!

Answer #4

My native tongue is German.

I speak and write fluent English. (That is, Americans have asked me whether I am British.)

And I speak semi-fluent French. (That is I get along in all everyday-situations in France but I will fail at deep philosophical discussions or complicated business cases in French. I will definitely not pass as a French person in France.) My French spelling is abhorrent.

Other languages (not fluent, just some basic words and Grammar): Polish, Spanish, Scots Gaelic, Dutch, Norwegian.

Answer #5

Oh. And I learned Latin at school. But I haven’t spoken any Latin since I graduated.

Answer #6

English & Spanish :)

Answer #7

English and Vietnamese. i can write english easily but my Vietnamese writing is complicated.

Answer #8

English, and American Sign Language!

Answer #9

I am fluent in my second native language, Russian. I can have long discussions, read, and write in the Cryllic script.

I am fluent in English as well, or at least I was told that by ENL teacher. I have a slight accent on certain words, but for the most part I can read, write, and have deep conversations with people.

I am semi-fluent in Japanese having taken it for three years in high school. I can read the hiragana and katakana scripts, but struggle with the kanji as well as some word pronunciations. I can also write pretty well in the two mentioned scripts, but I struggle a little when it comes to describing something.

Languages I am not fluent in, but understand fine are some of the Slavic languages like Ukrainian and Belarussian. They are pretty similar to Russian so I usually have no problem understanding what someone is saying apart from slang.

The language that I am studying right now is Hebrew so that I can visit Israel in the future.

Answer #10

English, German and Albanian :O

Answer #11

I speak English and Spanish(:

Answer #12

Just English. I have a hard time with language, and have never manage to get very far with another language.

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