What happens when you're kissing someone and your nose starts bleeding?

Answer #1

you taste metal…

also, your sinuses may be blocked, go check that out -_-

Answer #2

O I’ll tell my cousin its not for me lol

Answer #3

The receiving person gets a mouthful of blood. Yummm.

Answer #4

Lol ugh I feel bad for him his girlfriend hasent called back

Answer #5

The blood would probably get all over the other person. Man, that would really suck haha.

Answer #6

that would be embarrassing! but i wouldn’t break up with someone because of it!

Answer #7

Kissing that person must really get a rise out of her blood pressure…LOL :)

Answer #8

Haha, that happened with me and my ex. I just laughed it off. Really not the worst that could happen.

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