What kind of events or things does your school do that you like and are a lot of fun?

Answer #1

They do karaoke fridays, those are a lot of fun, it’s just fun to go and see people sing and also have yourself sing and just have fun. We also have alot of back sales and and we always have that one dance where the girls ask the boys out every year to raise money for choir.

Answer #2

Dance segment for two weeks in gym class at the end of the first simester i love it, and we do all these things called 5000 12 when if you want to you do like 5000 push ups in 12 days(it may not be 5000 i cant remember) but thats really cool

Answer #3

we have a technology day each wendsday in 7th hour.

Answer #4

Track, football, theater, and volleyball!

Answer #5

Spirit week, cool themed dances (last time it was hilighter dance) umm spring formal is coming up in march!! Go green days where we can where jeans and a Green top if we pay $1 for recycling (private school so getting to wear jeans and a t shirt is a great privilege!) hmm what else Ooh we have a carnival where we dress up! Sports of course!

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