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Can I drop the diet and just train harder?

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April of last year I got very dedicated about losing weight. I restricted my calorie intake from what I estimated to be about 5000-7000 down to 2500 per day. I also began strict weight training on my bench at home, and I started running. At first I could only run a block-walk a block etc. But before I new it I was running a mile, then 2 miles 4 times a week. Using this method I lost 75 lbs between April and October. I was 345 and in October I was 270. I also went from a 46 inch pants waist that fit tightly to a comfortable 38. Then I hit a nasty plateau. I kept everything the same and stayed 270 it was very discouraging. Then winter came. I never do well in winter anyway. I don't have a treadmill and I ended up injuring my ankle running on the ice (posterior tibial tendinitis). I was unable to run for about 2 months, and in that time I lost most of my will power and ate everything in site. Needless to say I gained weight...20lbs to be exact. around the beginning of march I ended up getting back into strict discipline mode. I gradually got back up to 2 miles again and now I'm working on 5k a day. I never miss a run or weight training for anything. I also cut my calories back down to 2500. the fist week I lost 5 lbs making me currently 285 (345 minus 75 plus 20 minus 5 = 285). And I haven't been able to budge from there. I would like to lose the extra 15 that Im holding on to that I gained this winter plus and additional 25 or so bringing me just under 250, but I feel stuck. There's the background, here is my question:

The running/biking/weight training makes me feel great (even when it sucks). the diet makes me feel horrible, not just hungry, but anxious, depressed, etc. Can I say forget the diet, and just train hard...could that increase my metabolic rate? could I perhaps even lose faster? I mean Im working up to running 12+ miles a week at 9 or less minutes per mile (for now) how many fat runners are there in the world, it has to come off right? Im just very discouraged...and advice will be greatly appreciated.