What jobs/careers could be good for a student of CADD?

I am currently taking CADD (Computer Archtecture Drafting and Design) at my school, and it intrests me a lot

Answer #1

Architecture, engineering or similar would be good to explore once you get to college…one thing you didn’t mention is how your math skills are, as both professions require a high level of fluency.

Answer #2

hmm, well to be honest my math skills are a bit… slow

Answer #3

And to add to Jeremy, I am quite sure you would need Physics as well in such occupations.

Answer #4

hm, welp, that dream is dead XD

Answer #5

Oh, how about product design? I am currently doing that in my Digital Media program at university, it’s kind of a sub-subject for me though. We will be using 3 dimensional software to design an object or product and other programs. I know you can study that through design, which is in arts, but I don’t know if you would still need maths or sciences for that.

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