What's wrong with joaquin?

What’s wrong with joaquin?

Answer #1

hahahahahahahahahahaahahaha that was hilarious but anyway, he’s trying to be a “rapper” so he acts really stupid which I find kinda prejudice

Answer #2

Joaquin… Phoenix? Who?!

Answer #3

Gotta love the extremely vague questions where you have no idea what they are asking about…

Answer #4

What are you guys talking about? Now I want to know who he is??

Answer #5

joaquin phoenix is f*cked up right now. he is trying to be a rapper. and looks like a bum that needs a shower. man I seriously dont know who talked him into that but man he has always been weird on the red carpet. he has to be doing the craziest drugs ever. he had a wonderful acting career and now effing that up trying to be something ment for someone else. what a silly man.

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