I've been raped and need some advice to help me get through this!

hi ya can any one help me pls!x I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago to tenerife with my friend! and on the last night me and my friend were very drunk! we were havin a laugh round the pool and one of the barmen was sittin on the wall by us just jokein about we got our bits together because my friend felt sick so she walked back to the room and I was a slight bit behind her I got to the room and notice she was upstairs by this next point I was bein grabbed and tried pushin the barmen off me I keeped sayin no get off me but he was to strong I dont remeber much from then were I had loads to drink that night my body just felt so heavy and I couldnt have any control myself all I remember is wakin up feelin really sore and I no that I didnt feel right and new straight away I was raped! lucky enough I was going home and I couldnt wait to get home and feel safe again as soon as I walked through my front door at bout 1am I was in bits I was shaken up I kept bein sick and hystercilly cryin all I wanted to do was have a boilin hot bath because I hadnt washed so I new I was gonna have an examination I told my mum and dad wot had happened and they were very shocked upset and they were very supportive they called the police and I was asked some questions I had an examination which wasnt very nice but I new that it had to be done because I want this man to be put away!!! when I told my boyfriend it hit him quite hard as well he dont no wot to say to me his quite angry but he has been really supportive and been by my side he nos that it wernt my fault but I no in the futre its gonna effect our sex life and we both feel that our relationship isnt going to be normal anymore if anyone has been through this and was scarred to have sex again and got through it pls help!

can someone help pls im just so confused and so many mixed feelings I just need some answers that can help me to get on with it

thank you xx

Answer #1

thos of you that have had this unbareable to think of experience are incredibly courageous..girls, you must find it so hard..remember that you deserve to be happy, that you have a life…make it what you want it to be and dont le whoever did this to you win…make all the hurt turn into power and let those who love you take care of you..it all takes so much time…but dont forget that what goes around comes around..there is always justice..the person who did this will suffer…much love from me to you all..youre extremely brave..x

Answer #2

hiya hun I no how it feels to be raped. I no that its not a nice ting to go threw especially all the examinations and test then you have to do a video interview and relive that time all over again. Its bad enough it happening once and by some 1 you dont know. But when its a family member like it was with me, mine was not my dad it was my uncle he is locked away now. I thought that it would be hard to have sex again I ended up finishing my boyfriend because I was sacred to be near any males at that point I could not even talk to my dad or brother or even the male police officer that was working on my case. I will tell you this my boyfriend is still a little worried about how far to go but just remember he loves you and will never hurt you, it might take you a few months or may be more but your boyfriend loves you. I no that its hard to get threw rape I am still struggling after 5months I have nightmares about that night but I moved away from the area because it holds to many memories there. I hope this help you hun I just wish that I had the courage to ask for help instead I shut myself away from every1 but now am getting my life back slowly but im sure by next year I will be back to my old self with the help from friend and family and my boyfriend. I hope this will help you hun xxx I feel so sorry 4 you xxx

Answer #3

my because raped in my sleep in my sleep and I woke up with a condom hanging out my but what should I do

Answer #4

Im sorry.But 1 in 4 woman will be sexually assualted in some way.I,to am one of those girls.Im only 15 but my dad crossed the line several times.Remember everything happens fo a reason.The thing that got me through was remembering that this taught me something.It taught me to be strong,face things,be cautious but also hold the people I love closest and protect them.I help others because its given me a kinder heart.Your going to be ok someday,I have faith in you. =]

Answer #5

there a lots of helplines that are confidential, have a look around, talk to someone. they will help you and bring back your confidence

Answer #6

I think I have been raped and I dont know what to do I never said yes and I never said no . it seamed forced but it kinda just happened I said no you dont have protection… now the next day he text me and told me we couldnt even be friends what to do?:”(

Answer #7

I’ve been getting raped for the last 10 years am 24 and I have a baby to the man I never wanted to say anything because he’s in the family well he’s my boyfriends brother in law he’s a lot older than me and he controlled everything I said and did so a month ago I got him on tape attacking me and now am scared now for my family and my child has this man is his father I don’t no if I’ve done the right thing my family has been riped apart am so lonely but I had to make him stop I just what to have my family and be happy so lets just hope he gets wants coming to him thanks everyone x

Answer #8

I am so sorry. my sister was raped this past year and it hit me extraordinarily hard I cannot even imagine this for you. but just know this wasnt at all your fault that you have done everything you can do and I am sure your boyfriend will understand eventually because this was completely out of your control. dont worry you’re not alone.

Answer #9

im soo sorry… I dont know anyone thats been raped, and I havent either, but I bet its pretty hard 2 get through… if your boyfriend truly luvs u, he’ll understand and yall will get through it. hope you feel better soon!

Answer #10

I hope they lock up the bastard! I am so sorry this happened to you. It can affect your confidence in yourself and your trust in men. Believe me I am struggling with trust. It is not easy after molestation, rape, or whatever. But be strong get counseling for you and try couple counseling.

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