What are some Italian celebrations/festivities/customs and what are foods that go with them?

Answer #1

January 1: Capodanno (New Year’s Day) 6: Epifania/La Befana (Epiphany) 7: Giornata Nazionale della Bandiera (Flag Day)—celebrated principally in Reggio nell’Emilia

February 3: San Biagio (patron saint of Doues) 9: San Rinaldo (patron saint of Nocera Umbra) 14: Festa degli Innamorati (San Valentino) Movable: Martedì Grasso (Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday)—part of Carnevale Movable: Mercoledì di Ceneri (Ash Wednesday)

March 8: La Festa della Donna 16: San Ilario and San Taziano (patron saints of Gorizia) 19: Festa del Papà (San Giuseppe) 19: San Proietto (patron saint of Randazzo) Movable (can also occur in April): Domenica delle Palme (Palm Sunday) Movable (can also occur in April): Venerdì Santo (Good Friday) Movable (can also occur in April): Pasqua (Easter Sunday) Monday after Easter (can also occur in April): Pasquetta, Lunedì di Pasqua (Easter Monday)

April 1: Pesce d’Aprile (April Fool’s Day) 25: Festa della Liberazione (Liberation Day) 25: San Marco (patron saint of Venezia)

May 1: Festa del Lavoro (May Day)

June 2: Festa della Repubblica (Republic Day) 24: San Giovanni Battista (patron saint of Firenze) 29: San Pietro and San Paolo (patron saints of Roma)

July 10: San Paterniano (patron saint of Grottammare) 15: Santa Rosalia (patron saint of Palermo)

August 2: San Alessio (patron saint of Sant’Alessio in Aspromonte) 15: Ferragosto / Assunzione (Day of the Assumption)

September 19: San Gennaro (patron saint of Napoli) 22: San Maurizio (patron saint of Calasetta)

October 4: San Petronio (patron saint of Bologna)

November 1: Ognissanti (All Saints Day) 2: Il Giorno dei Morti (Day of the Dead) 3: San Giusto (patron saint of Trieste) 11: San Martino (patron saint of Foiano della Chiana)

December 6: San Nicola (patron saint of Bari) 7: Sant’Ambrogio (patron saint of Milano) 8: Immacolata Concezione (Immaculate Conception) 25: Natale (Christmas) 26: Santo Stefano (St. Stephen’s Day) 31: San Silvestro (St. Silvester’s Day)

January 1, for example, is Capodanno (New Year’s Day), while April 25 is the Festa della Liberazione (Liberation Day), an annual national holiday commemorating the 1945 liberation ending World War II in Italy.

Other Italian holidays include November 1, Ognissanti (All Saints Day), a religious holiday during which Italians typically bring flowers to the graves of their deceased relatives, and Pasquetta (Easter Monday), when traditionally, Italians fare una scampagnata (to go for an outing) in the countryside and have a picnic to mark the beginning of springtime.

Hope that helped some! :)

Answer #2

Pasta is a custom to Italy. Each region has their own type even though it tastes the same. To the Italians, the shape of pasta is very important. Also, lots of kinds of coffee actually originated from Italy. Around the world, you will see coffee as a drink of anytime of the day but in Italy, it is mainly a drink of the morning. Italian Christmas Holiday traditions are as important to the colors of the flag and the food they make such as fish, pork sausage and turkey and deserts like marzipan, gingerbread, nougats, and fruit cakes which others across the world have come accustom to. Capodanno is their New Years day. It occurs on January 1st. zampone is a common dish that is stuffed pig’s foot and is always served with lentils. Pasqua, or easter, is the most important Catholic religious celebration like the easter other countries celebrate. Some customs include When Italians travel from town to town or place to place, they are suppose to bring a sample of their best food and exchange with others. If you are invited for dinner and want to send flowers, have them delivered that day.

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