Do you think if you look at something that isn't beautiful long enough that it becomes beautiful?

Answer #1

That can go either way, if I look at something for to long sometimes I start to be disgusted by it. The city lights for instance, beautiful untill I start thinking about all the pollution the city causes. Anything natural I can find beauty in, most man made things though I have more trouble.

Answer #2


Answer #3

I think that beauty can be found in many, many things that isn’t obvious at first glance. Especially when it comes to people. So, I’d basically say yes, if there is beauty to be found……………keep looking.

Answer #4

depends on what you’re looking at… for example, some european “cinema” not movies… are sometimes, or should i say most time always so col in the end, i mean: sotimes it’s about people falling in love and all, and in the end someone dies,and things like that, to be honest i thought that it was horrible, that it was so cold because how could something like that happened, but, then i realise of the beauty of it… besides the fact it was a cruel yet good ending. so like i was saying it depends on what you’re looking at… and everything, and i mean everything, has it’s own beauty

Answer #5

Possible…or you become cross-eyed

Answer #6

hahahahah xD

Answer #7

No I domt think it becomes beautiful I think you just get used to the way it looks or you get use to seeing it often.same for people like if theres and ugly or like really fat person in your class and you get sick from looking at them everyday but yiu have the class for a whole year in that class so yea you’ll just accept the fact that that’s how they look.

Answer #8

In other words every one is beutiful but by the his or her side.

Answer #9

Hi buddy :

Pop start from here,Beautiful first choose ,ready to shopping ,Characteristics, novel, variety, low price and good quality, and the sales price is low , Move your mouse to work shopping! Hey hey

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$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans,LV,Coogi jeans,Affliction jeans

$30 Air Jordan shoes,Shox shoes,Gucci,LV shoes

50%Discount winter fashion :Sandle,t-shirt,caps,jerseys,handbag and brand watches!!!

$15 Ed Hardy ,LV ,Gucci Bikini

$15 Polo, Ed Hardy, Gucci, LV, Lacoste T-shirts

$25 Coach,Gucci,LV,Prada,Juicy,Chanel handbag,

$10 Gucci,Ed Hardy sunglasses

$9 New Era caps.

give you the unexpected harvest

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==== ( ) =====

Answer #10

I believe if you take the time to look at something more than a few times, SOMETIMES you’ll find that you didn’t look hard enough and realize how beautiful it really was. But i agree with mackenzie once you stare at something that’s beautiful for a long time, You start to think about all of the bad things it causes and/or does. Then you become disgusted by it. But sometimes something is so beautiful you tend to over look all of the negative things and focus on just beauty of the object.

Answer #11

Of course, though like Mackenzie said it can go both ways. Take for instance a human being, a person can be unappealing to you at first but then as time progresses, you get to know them, be close to them, love them, they become beautiful in your eyes and beautiful in the physical sense. Beauty and attraction is all in the mind.

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