Is this smart?

My parents possibly only have a few more years to live and they dont have grandkids… so I want to have a baby so they will at least have one to spoil before they go… I’m not sure if it’s a good thing to do, but I want to do something for my parents… something they’ve been wanting for a while… and now they’re getting older with no grandbaby’s… so is it smart that I want to do that, or dumb???

Answer #1

Uhm you dont have a baby for your parents to spoil? This is a human being, who will be alive for a long time and who you will have to support till they’re in their early twenties… Diapers, school, college, no sleep, you cant do this for your parents… Also, you have no idea how long your parents will live… some people outlive their kids…

Answer #2

only do it if YOU want a baby…its not worth a few years of your parents happiness for a lifetime of misery and regret. make sure you want it before you do it.

Answer #3

A Big Question: Are you happily married?

Answer #4

LMAO… yes. I forgot to mention that.

Answer #5

frimple… thanks for the advice, and yes his parents want grandkids too… and mainly I just want to do it for my parents…

Answer #6

THat is not a good reason I understand why you would want to but really that is between you your husband and GOD. The child would be a part of their lives yep but mainly yours and his…it is a huge responsibility too.

You think think about that as well..It is a sweet thought though I can tell you really love them.

Ask them about it an see what they say also talk to your husband mmm you should alll sit down and think about it really.

Answer #7

Marriage, age, and your parents wants really have nothing to do with it.

This baby is for you, not them. It is sweet that you would like to do this for them, but think of this: You carry a baby for 9 months. Sometimes more sometimes less. Sometimes it takes awhile to get pregnant. So you could be looking at a year from now until you even give birth to this bundle of joy. If your parents only have a few years (let’s say 2) then they will only have 1 year left to spend with your child. Not long, and that may make them more depressed.

My advice: Have a baby for you and your hubby, no one else. I am 22 and have a 10 month old. My parents aren’t happy, but I am. I had my son for me, not even for my hubby. He already had one before. So, really it was for me. That is the best advice I could give you.

Answer #8

The only intelligent reason to have a baby is because YOU and your husband agree that you are both ready AND able to bring a child into the world and care for it properly. I’m sure that your parents would much rather wait and take their chances rather than having you prematurely have a child.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #9

If you are in a loving, stable relationship, and ya’ll are financially ready to have a child I dont see why not. Although make sure you are having the child to make y’all happy, not just your parents. It is your child afterall at the end of the day, not theirs. I know what you mean though, my dad has cancer, he was given 6 months to live 1 year ago. So every day that I have with him, is amazing. I also have a 3 month old son, and Noah is my dad’s whole world. The reason he keeps fighting every day.

Do it for the right reasons.

Answer #10

Having a baby isn’t something to do as a favor for anyone.

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